Küd Mr. Brownstone

Style: Fruit Brown Ale Nova Lima, MG. Brazil ABV: 5.4 IBU: 20 500ml bottle

Tasted on 18/3/22 Best by 4/22 Price: 24R$

This is another one from Kud, I’m hoping they get this one right after some dodgy ones, and it’s an interesting concept as it’s a fruit brown ale and I think it’s cherries and coconut which have been added but they’re not that clear about it.

It has a thick and stable off-white head and it’s a deep dark reddish brown and looks lightly cloudy. I can smell the cherries immediately and reminds me a bit of black forest gateau, there’s some light underlying sweet malt and the coconut also comes through. It doesn’t have a very strong beer aroma, just the subtle malt, most of the nose is the cherries and coconut and it also seems on the sweet side.

It has surprisingly tingly carbonation and quite a light and crisp body. This is a bit of a weird one, so it isn’t so sweet but has a perfume flavour from the coconut and cherries and it’s pretty dry with light bitterness. there are some roast malt notes and a touch of toffee but of the flavour is this weird perfume thing. It’s also lightly boozy and warming.

It’s certainly a bold experiment but unfortunately Kud needs a better brewer to pull this one off as it doesn’t really work for me. I do believe it’s supposed to be like this with all the flavours intentional so at least it’s not off but won’t be having this again.

Score: 3

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